“No matter how busy you may think you are, you must find time for reading, or surrender yourself to self-chosen ignorance.”
“Of course anyone who truly loves books buys more of them than he or she can hope to read in one fleeting lifetime. A good book, rising unopened in its slot on a shelf, full of majestic potentiality, is the most comforting sort of intellectual wallpaper.”
“Give me books, French wine, fruit, fine weather and a little music played out of doors by somebody I do not know.”
I care for books.
Not actually like take care of them as a babysitter would (or perhaps I do) but I care for them as.....well, I can't think of an example that wouldn't sound creepy. Goodness, I should just say that I value books. How's that?
Ever since my Mom taught me how to read at our kitchen, books have been my right hand, my go-to. They keep me off the streets (literally and figuratively). Their insides heal my broken heart, my injured pride & pacify my aching emotions. Their smooth pages quiet my noisy brain & allow my imagination to soar. Their dark ink answers my questions & raises more. Their stories have introduced me to many a person & many a land. Their sizes allow me to tote them anywhere, their weight is a burden I bear gladly. Their purchase prices leave me penniless & rich, content & desperate for more.
I can't get enough of them! Can you blame me?
When I was younger, I could spend hours a day in River Heights with Nancy Drew or trying to find Aslan in Narnia. I was gobbling up books days at a time. As I grow older, however, a terrible thing is happening! Now, I've got a full time job in front of a computer along with a daily 40 minute commute. I've got Wi-Fi, Netflix, Pinterest & Instagram to only mention only a few. It seems like an uphill battle to sit still to read a few pages. There's always a thought about something that needs to be done. Coincidence?
I think not!
So I shall continue to fight valiantly against time, short memory-spans & social media, wielding a book in front of my face as a shield, my bookmark & reading lamp in hand.
Okay, so that sounded a bit dramatic but you get my drift. Any chance I get, I read. And when you ask me what I'm reading, I'll tell you the title, author & little else. It's not that I'm annoyed at interruption, not at all! But it's like asking to explain WWII in two short sentences. Impossible.
"So we get it, you love books, you love reading, but in a world of millions of books, how the heck do I even start to find the books I like?"
Go to a thrift store and browse their books. Chain bookstores may be too organized to let you see books that you would otherwise not show interest in. Used bookshops aren't too bad. Pick up a book, read the back, scan the index, read the little paragraph about the author. If it piques your interest, adopt it. If not, put it back & keep browsing. No big deal.
Another tip: if you have a favorite movie, why not take the written version for a spin?
They say that you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover, but there's no sin in that. I prefer old, fancy & intricate hardcovers myself. When choosing a book, keep in mind the size & weight (not thickness, mind you). If you mean to keep at your bedside or take it with you throughout the day, a heavy, 3-in-one Jane Austen hardback may not be in your best interest. Keep it simple. Keep it portable.
Also, if you are new at reading, don't discourage yourself by picking up tedious books such as Josefus' complete works or Milton's fancy Paradise Lost, that is unless that's what you're into. Do not try to impress yourself or others, you will probably end up either never reading a book again or embarrassing yourself...or both. If you're new at this reading stuff, get your feet wet with some historical fiction, a collection of short stories, perhaps an [short] autobiography of someone you admire or even a book you once read in high school. Those really hold up.
Once you find 'the one,' look up other writings from the same author. Shoot, read his/her autobiography. Chances are that they will mention other authors who influenced them & go on from there. Textbooks from your last English class are goldmines too! It's like a huge restaurant sampler.
Now comes the difficult part: sitting down to read.
Do what you need to do; brew a cup of coffee or tea, put on some cello music (quiet, movie soundtracks I find ideal) hide, make excuses, be a flake. Focus, breathe & try not to think about the fact that you are reading & are on a path of self-improvement. Snap out of it & read.
Anyhow, look at me, going on as if you didn't have a Twitter feed to check up on!
Until next time,