I think any family is pretty lucky to have bred a photographer...or if they figured out how to catch one under the cover of marriage. Automatically, most birthdays, reunions, graduations, weddings & portraits are practically all covered, depending on their skill of course.
In this case, my sister really have it nice. Not only did she have a photographer for several (free) sessions, she also had the chance to choose & edit each photo. She told me which ones she liked and didn't like, how they were to be cropped and filtered.
Photographing Rebekah was honestly quite intimidating & I will quickly tell you why:
It's interesting photographing someone you know & see every day. You see them a certain way & that can be a totally different way they see themselves. This was the case with my sister. I took several photographs that in my mind depicted her perfectly & she instantly vetoed it when she saw it in the viewfinder.
And if that wasn't enough, my other sister Deborah came along for the shoots.
They had no problem pointing out all my flaws & horrible angles. They kept me grounded & they didn't mind pushing me a bit further underground just so I stay there longer. I must confess I got frustrated with them an surrendered my camera to Deborah to see if she could do better.
Miss DeathStare
She did...only on a couple though.
My point is this: a family is lucky to have a photographer among their midst, it sure saves a lot of money & it's also awesome as a photographer to have people who are not afraid to point out your mistakes & show you the light.
From a distance, though, we sisters had a good time.